Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Roll of honour - November 2013

This is a list of all the members who transferred from the email version of the support group to the blog based version. As new members (hopefully!) join us they will be added to this list with an updated version published every six months.

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38DD - she is working in a hotel in Blackpool and we speak every few weeks. She co-ordinates all our northern members. We last saw her this summer at the Birmingham Mega Meeting

Abigail - timed out of foster care, very nastily. She emails monthly and is still working in Montgomery as an assistant manager in a shop.
Airhead – lives in supported lodgings in Church Stretton. She is a 6th form student.

AliceN - she still lives and works in Children's Home Ville. She maintains the photo archive and stays in regular touch with us.
Angel – lives in Children's Home Ville and is a part-time care worker. She came to the Christmas event in 2012.

AngieD - subscriber number 4. She still lives in Children's Home Ville and came to the Christmas event in 2012. She describes herself as a minimum wage slave in the retail sector. For somebody we have known so long we don’t seem to see her very often.
BelleS - lives in Children's Home Ville and is currently unemployed. We beeped our car horn and waved like total nutters at her just last month.

Big Al - living in Children's Home Ville. We have seen him face-2-face a few times this year and he has lost nearly all the 30 lbs he was told to lose. Well done!
Boy Who Will Not Be Named - he has just moved from Watford to Merseyside.

BTOverdrive - joined via a school reunion - now in South Africa working as a nanny. Emailed us in June and again in early August.
Carly – lives in Children's Home Ville and works in a garden centre.

Carmen – We used to drink in her pub – strictly against the rules! She then went back to Ullapool but got back in touch this year.
CeriP - we were at school with her, in the same tutor group. We see her at school reunions.

Cert In A Skirt - we speak about once a month.
Charlotte - works for a Blackpool catering company and flats shares with 38DD. Long-term foster parents live locally. 

Crystal - a mature student living in London
Commune1+2 - they are now both living in Church Stretton and are doing assorted part time jobs.

DawnP – After a spell living in France she returned to Blackpool earlier this year.

Didi - now down in Gloucester and we speak at least weekly. Her Dad died in November 2012 while in prison.

DiFromLeeds – phoned us to say that she has moved to Preston. She is working for an employment agency in the town centre.

DWM - now in Stirling (was in Mull). Doing grounds maintenance. Last contact was in October.

Dublin - working in Scotland for a tour firm. We hear from him a few times a year.

Emma - Works in a school (LSA). 

EmmaR - In Halifax (Nova Scotia) working for a tour company. October 2013 message was the last contact.

Eve and Ella - founders. Newish parents and talk to each other daily!!

Fergie Sings The Blues, lives in Children's Home Ville, working for an undertaker.

Frankie - a failed adoptee. Rare emails, usually at Christmas or New Year. Handwritten note in May was the last contact.

GoodieTwoShoes - recently graduated, we spoke via Facebook in October.

GraceT - Foster child and former drama student and now employed in patient therapy in a hospital. She drops in to sees Didi once in a while who forwards messages both ways.

HannahB - Works for Social Services. 

HelenaP - Works in the local stables.

HelenW - Has an adopted sister and lives 1 mile from us and shops in the same supermarket. We last saw her about 2 hours ago.

IrishRoss - He has rejoined his long-term girlfriend (Lisa?) according to his latest call.

Itscharr - A young blogger. Seems to have slipped through the net since I cannot recall hearing from her for ages. I will chase her up!

JanineM – Is working in a supermarket in Slough but is hoping to move to Swindon according to her latest message.

JoinedUpWriting - fostered in Port Elizabeth in South Africa, now a nanny. Only reliable contact is via BTOverdrive's regular emails

KittyB - joined via Mark's mum. Long-term foster parent, stays in touch via her.

LittleTim - joined via Eve and Ella. Still in Children's Home Ville. Barman in a pub we visit sometimes. We saw him last month.

LuluBigTits - still working with her Dad in Birmingham. Long, long letters most months

MadLad - still in Children's Home Ville – the star turn at a famous party and he also came to the Christmas 2012 event.

MadMax - Never says where he is or what he is doing in his rare emails

Magda - lives with Didi and we exchange emails every 2/3 weeks

MarkW - Still in Essex according to his twice yearly postcard.

Matt - a particularly sensible grown-up from the Manchester area. Irregular email contact.

MissPeanut - still in Hull. Having Birth Parent issues like others of us. She wrote to us quite recently.

N's Family - Nicola's last foster parents. Annual letter but they are a very special case.

Natasha – She is working with old people with dementia in Hertfordshire. It was lovely to get back in touch after so long!

Nightjar - a fairly newish Mum. We saw her very recently following her escape from the Jesus Army. She is now living in the Cleobury Mortimer area.

Nightsky - another grown up and the publisher of our book. We email weekly and have met up a few times.

Northpier2 - We know she recently got engaged but none of the exciting details.

Oldfashioned - fostered kids and all sorts more. Writes (by hand) quarterly.

Old Timer – a former foster child from many years ago and a guest blogger here.
OliverR – still working in Scotland and is seeing Carmen regularly.

PaulE - living in Barry with his foster sister. A foster child with a degree and so he is mega rare. Emailed us a while ago.

Perkie - a newish young Mum. We text both ways about monthly

Peter From Upstairs, lives in Children's Home Ville, works in a hardware shop. We saw him at Christmas 2012 and again in the middle of October.

Pinky - from Acton in West London. She emails us from the local library every few months

PixieandDixie - still engaged and now living and working in Malta. We were in contact quite recently.

QueenoftheWorld - still in Children's Home Ville – came to see us at Christmas.

Red Rose, lives in Children's Home Ville, works in bar/restaurant. Swapped a double time shift to come to us over Christmas.

ReigningMonach – a short message, a long message then silence but then got back in touch. A foster parent.

Seb - An office worker in an FE college. He spoke to Ella the Sunday before she and I went back to work.

SimpleNotSimon - joined via Commune1+2 and all contact is via them

Smartypants - still in Children's Home Ville - last contact in the summer.

TeachersPet - no longer teaching in our old school. She has a promoted post about 10 miles north.

TigerTim – Doing office cleaning in Cardiff. Last contact was in the summer.

TigerNotTim - still in Children's Home Ville – came to the Christmas Bash 2012.

Tom H, lives in Children's Home Ville, works in a garden centre. He was at the Christmas 2012 event.

Tom T, lives in Children's Home Ville, works in a petrol station. He was at the Christmas 2012 event.

Twinkle, lives in Children'’ Home Ville, currently unemployed. . She was at the Christmas 2012 event.

WendysPal - Joined via the late Wendy N (RIP) - in and out of the "black economy" in London.

Wobbly - works with 38DD in a hotel. So many funny stories about foster care! She phoned from the recent Blackpool meeting.

YaleLock - Connected somehow to Commune1 (half sibling?) We had a Christmas card from her this year. She is well but between partners.

Zulu - seen at the Christmas Bash 2012 and again when he helped Ella with her disgusting Birth Father.

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