Sunday, 22 December 2013

Old Timer - a guest blogger. Part 7

I have had some exciting times at the school this month. We have had two meeting of the school governors. One was a meeting of the whole group and at that meeting I was appointed to the Health and Safety Committee and to the Curriculum Committee. I hadn't expected I would be allowed to do that because I was the new boy so it was a lovely surprise to be chosen. Then at the sub committee meeting of the Health and Safety group I was elected Chairman because of all the training I have done on the subject. I've never done anything like being in charge of a group before but I will do the very best I can.

Before this year I don't like the Christmas holidays very much. I was OK when my wife was still alive although even then we sometimes felt a bit left out of things by her family. I think it was because we didn't have children of our own and Christmas for then was always 100% for the youngsters in the family. Sitting around surrounded by their noise and bustle for hours wasn't much fun and it felt good to escape back to the peace of our own house. When Jane was ill Christmas and all the work around it was too much for her so visits to the family were even shorter.

But this year I am going over to stay with Rosemary in her B&B in Wales. Rosemary was fostered like me and she was my first proper girl friend a long time ago in St Albans. We have been speaking two or three times a week for the last couple of months and this has made me feel happy and more optimistic about the future. I did wonder what Jane would think of all this! But when you get married you only get married "until death you do part" so she probably doesn't mind me starting again.

Old Timer

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